
Preface: Pedagogy of Confidence®
Leadership Action Guide

“Man does not weave this web of life.  We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.”
—Chief Seattle

The Pedagogy of Confidence Leadership Action Guide is based on many years of collaborations with a wide range of school districts with a focus on recognizing and amplifying the strengths underserved students. The goal of this action guide is to cultivate and sustain equity consciousness through the Pedagogy of Confidence.  The Pedagogy of Confidence engenders robust communities of belonging in which students are gifted with High Operational Practices to inspire students’ engagement and elicit their innate potential for high intellectual performances, self-determination, and personal contribution. The High Operational Practices are about belief in students and providing the educators the tools, methods and understanding to create robust communities of belonging in which students thrive and flourish. The guide is about actionable implementation for student learning through doing, practice with understanding and developing student “giftedness” by sustaining the Pedagogy of Confidence in classrooms, schools, districts, communities, states and the nation. This begins with a belief in and value of the innate potential of our students, an interest in doing, a desire of practicing collaboratively and knowing every student matters like they are your own children.

“Give people light and they will find a way”
—Ella Baker

The tools within this guide are the pillars of learning and doing. The Pedagogy of Confidence supports all curriculums, grade levels and subject areas for success. It is as much for the students as the teachers, leaders, staff and parents. It is a call to action for grass roots change with our future, and for our children through the focus on engagement for their success.

“Our language is the reflection of ourselves. A language is an exact reflection of the character and growth of its speakers.”
—Cesar Chavez