Note Taking

Note-taking while reading is a strategy for recording and organizing important information in order to understand and remember it. There are several different methods for note-taking explained in the chapter which include:

• Double-entry notes – one side is key ideas and information – the other side is summaries and graphics
• Notes as graphics – notes kept in the form of thinking maps
• Main idea/ Detail notes – main idea goes at the top of a page and supporting details go under
• Cornell system – Students record as many facts/ideas in the right hand column, after class they reduce or question the info to key words, phrases or questions in the left hand column, students cover up the right hand column and use the words in the left to help them recall as much as the inform as they can, next they reflect on the info, review the notes several times using this method, and then at the bottom of the page they should summarize the notes with key ideas.

      In order to increase the effectiveness of comprehension and memory of the content – the students should use their notes after completing the reading.  Students can engage in Read Talk Write with their notes, they can complete a Thinking Map using their notes, they can produce a thinking map and cover it up and see if they can reproduce it independently, and they can review all their notes and try to condense them to one page of the most essential words and phrases that help the student recall key ideas, facts and concepts.